Saturday 3 August 2024

July winners

Good morning, another busy month and sorry to keep you all waiting for this rather belated post, we are pleased to announce the winners of the prizes from Craft StashHighlight Crafts and AALL and Create.

Congratulations to you all, please mail me by Friday 9th August with your full name and postal address so you can receive your prizes (please note I am still recovering from surgery so may not reply to you immediately)

Winners outside the UK: By claiming your prize you have agreed to accept any customs fees which may be applied within your own Country. Although all prizes are marked as gifts, we (Allsorts) will be unable to assist should that happen.

Week 787 no 55 Fabiola and no 17 Fiona 
Week 788 no 24 Karin
Week 789 no 30 Liz (not claimed re-drawn 9th August) and no 42 Em 
Week 790 no 15 Lesley
We are mid way with our two week Summer Delights/Anything Goes theme so you have until Friday 9th to enter, remember you can do so up to three times. Sarah will be sharing our next theme on Saturday 10th August.


KarinsArtScrap said...

wow thank you for being a winner.... congrats to the other winners.
Going to email you.

Gr karin

Fabiola said...

Oh I'm so happy to win a price, thanks so much, I send you an email, blessing

Sarn said...

Congrats to all the lucky winners. X

LesleyG said...

Thank you, a lovely surprise, and congratulations to the other winners xxx

Em Louise Fairley said...

Thank you for such a wonderful surprise xoxo

Fiona said...

Thanks for the win - how exciting