Friday 29 September 2023

September winners

Hello everyone, time to announce our September winners with prizes from these generous Partons: Craft StashAnna Marie DesignsAALL and CreateWOWVOWOakwood.

Winners noteOverseas prizes are always marked as gifts as recommended by Customs. However, we are seeing more incidents of prizes being held up and Custom charges levied when reaching their destinations Country. This is beyond our control and we would ask that winners from outside the UK take this into consideration before claiming their prize.

So here we go:
Week 743 - No 25 Alice (claimed)
Week 744 - No 14 Jean (claimed) and No 36 Diny (claimed)
Week 745 - No 9 Fabiola (claimed) and No 119 Denise (not claimed)
 Week 746  No 3 Jose (claimed)
Week 747 No 62 Ans (claimed) and No 70 Louise (claimed)
Please note the timestamp for this week is not accurate, the draw was done at 12:24 & 12:29 GMT after the 12pm closure of this weeks challenge

Well done to you all, please mail me by Thursday 5th October to claim your prizes, please ensure you mail includes your full name and postal address.

Sarah will be along later this afternoon with her Top 5 and I will be back tomorrow with a new challenge.


CraftingMum said...

Hi thanks for picking me as a winner week 747. Louise

Diny said...

Wat leuk dat ik een van de random winnaars ben geworden....dankjewel!
gefeliciteerd ook aan de andere winnaars
Groetjes Diny

Fabiola said...

Wow, I’m so happy to win a price, thanks so much, i send you an e-mail.blessing.fabiola

KarinsArtScrap said...

congrats to all the winners

gr karin

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow! I'm a winner!! Happy dance! :D Thanks so much and big congrats to all the other winners!

Ans Gilbert said...

Hi, I see my name as a random winner on challenge 747, but card 62 is not my card,

Sandra H said...

Congratulations to you all x

ionabunny said...

Congrats everyone. Hugz