Saturday, 28 September 2024

Week 800

It's our 800th challenge this week so we thought we would make it a bit special with a few extra prizes from AALL and Create and a simple theme of....

Anything Goes 

May we ask all entrants to read and familiarise themselves with our revised Rules and Copyright pages here and here.

We remain a for fun challenge and continue to offer prizes, but have never condoned or endorsed the use of Copyright images/products. Recently a number of entrie
s have contained Copyright material in various formats, this has been addressed by ourselves and those entrants blocked from entering. The owner/s of the said images have dealt with the issue as they see appropriate.

We appreciate your support in keeping us all safe from any Copyright infringement.

Here are those super prizes up for grabs....


One of our regular Guest Designers is back again this week, it's Sarn with a beautiful Butterfly card....

Using AALL and Create Floral Flyer (1171), Wiggle and Dance (1174) and Heart Marks the Spot die (46) 
Using AALL and Create Textured Florals (531), Fully Fledged (751), Blackbird (530), Friendship Florals (648) (stamps still available from some stockists)
Using AALL and Create  Nature's Doily die (43), Light Bulbs (23) and Power of the Word (754) (stamps still available from some stockists)

Friday, 27 September 2024

Week 799 Top 5

Good evening, it's Liz here with my Top 5 for this week.  It was lovely to see all the Get Well  and Sympathy cards, as well as the Anything Goes entries. Here they are in order of entry: 

No.20 Elle-Jeanne
No. 21 Pauline C
No.23 Jenny
No.35 Lia
No. 42 Melanie H.

Congratulations to you all.  Please take the Top 5 badge to display on your blog.Next week will be our 800th challenge, so come back in the morning when Brenda will be introducing our special challenge.

September winners

Good afternoon, it's been a super month again with such a variety of entries, we send our thanks to you all for your ongoing support.

Liz will be along later to announce her Top 3, in the meantime I have details of our September winners of prizes from Highlight CraftsStampendous and Lavinia.

Winners outside the UK: By claiming your prize you have agreed to accept any customs fees which may be applied within your own Country. Although all prizes are marked as gifts, we (Allsorts) will be unable to assist should that happen.

Well done all, please mail me by Thursday 3rd October with your full names and postal addresses.

Week 796 No 70 Elaine 
Weeks 797 no 57 Carol

Week 897/8 winners please note: (Lavinia) cannot provide replacements/exchanges/refunds for any products received through this third-party giveaways or enter into any dialogue on prizes.
Week 798 No 1 Maria (not claimed, new draw picked Kathy)
Week 799 No 47 Cathy (not claimed, new draw picked Carole) and No 37 Lynne

Congratulations to you all, please mail me by Friday 3rd October your full name and postal address. Any prize unclaimed by that date will either be re-drawn and new winners notified direct or returned to the prize box.

I will see you all again tomorrow for our new challenge which is s bit of a special one!

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Week 799

It's Liz here with a new theme for this week, 

Get Well or With Sympathy
I like to have a few ready-made Get Well and Sympathy cards as I never know when I might need them, so that's what I've chosen for the theme for this week. As always there is the Anything Goes option as we love to see all your creations.
May we ask all entrants to read and familiarise themselves with our revised Rules and Copyright pages.

We remain a for fun challenge and continue to offer prizes, but have never condoned or endorsed the use of Copyright images/products. Recently a number of entrie
s have contained Copyright material in various formats, this has been addressed by ourselves and those entrants blocked from entering. The owner/s of the said images have dealt with the issue as they see appropriate.

We appreciate your support in keeping us all safe from any Copyright infringement.

The prizes this week are Woodware stamps and Highlight A5 stencils

We are delighted to have Avril as our Guest Designer this week.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Week 798 Top 5

Evening everyone, it's Gail back with my Top 5 from this weeks challenge, such a lovely colourful display from everyone, thank you all so much.

Here they are in order of entry....

No 13 Chrissy
No 15 Jenny
No 26 Nat
No 40 Carol
No 43 Emma

Well done to you all, please collect your badge to display on your own blogs.

Liz will be along tomorrow with a new challenge.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Week 798 🐠

Morning everyone, Gail here with a new theme and it is....

Something Fishy
or Anything Goes

Can't wait to see how you interpret the theme, there's the obvious 'fishy' options but anything Ocean related such as Gulls or Boats would fit in nicely, but if you find it too tricky, then there's always the Anything Goes option.

A polite reminderTo protect possible copyright infringement, all entries must detail as a minimum the make/brand of products used (free from internet is not acceptable).

Some fabulous prizes this week again, magical Lavinia stamps (photos not to scale). (Please note, we (Lavinia) cannot provide exchanges/replacements/refunds for any products received through this third-party giveaway)

Lot's of fishy inspiration from the DT, do pop over to their personal blogs for more details about their makes....