Friday 29 October 2021

Winners of Anything goes with option Vintage

Good evening, Mervi here to announce the winners and Top 5! Thank you so much for your fabulous makes this week.

There's two prize winners drawn with and they are...

******No. 1. Christa (not claimed) and No. 80. Lorraine B (claimed)*****

Congrats to you both, please contact us, by next Thursday, with your full details.

Here's my Top 5, in order of entry:

no. 15. Milla
no. 36 Nancy J

NO. 69. Nancy E.
No. 73. Cobie
No.76 Meg

Congrats to you all, please grab the badges from sidebar to use on your blogs. Welcome back tomorrow morning with Lorraine, to start a new week;-))m


meg said...

Thrilled to see my card in your top 5,congrats to the winners and other top picks

Lorraine said...

What a lovely surprise to be picked as one of the winners. Congratulations to everyone else too.
Thank you. x

VoormeKaartje said...

What a nice surprise to see that I’m one of the winners.
So happy with it. Send a email.
Congrats to the other winner and the top 5, amazing cards.

KarinsArtScrap said...

congratulations ladies fab cards
Gr Karin

Marilyn said...

Congrats to the winners!
Have a great day!

Milla said...

Thank you so much, Mervi, for choosing my card as one of the Top 5. Truly an honour! Congrats to the winners and the others in Top 5!

Pink Panoply said...

Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of your Top 5. I'm delighted and very honored Congrats to the other winners. xx Nancy

Sandra H said...

Congratulations to you all