Wednesday 26 May 2021

Regarding Allsorts challenge

A difficult post to write but one which is necessary due to certain Social Media comments and accusations which have been made with regard to how the challenge is run. 

The aim of the challenge since April 2009 has always been to provide a forum for crafters to share their artwork along with the opportunity to win prizes provided by a wide range of generous sponsors. 

The Design Team, many of whom are long standing members give their time on a voluntary basis, do not receive any form of inducement and each week provide artwork as inspiration for our entrants and take time to comment on those entries.

I and in turn my team will not be intimidated by gossip or false claims about how the challenge is run. If any crafter has an issue about how the challenge is run then they are welcome to send me a personal e.mail from the link on the challenge blog sidebar. Social Media and closed formats are not the appropriate place and I on behalf of the challenge, my team and sponsors will report to the appropriate body, taking into account GDPR regulations, any such dialogue of which I/we have or may become aware.

Our aim is to provide a friendly environment for crafters and to this end we will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour or comments and regularly review those and our rules to ensure all remain in the best interest of our entrants as a whole. 



GerJanne said...

Hi Brenda,
So sorry to read this. On this blog there are so many followers who love to play with the challenges. I am one of these followers. I hope you haven't the experience on your blog with gossip etc.
You and yoir team are doinig great jobs and give us so much inspiration. Don't forget that. The majority is so happy with you!

Karen P said...

I'm sad to hear that this lovely challenge is getting grief from a few disgruntled peeps. Lovely DT please be aware we don't all think like that and many of us really appreciate the hard work it takes to run a challenge like this and we thank you deeply x

Jackie T said...

I am so sorry to read this. I for one appreciate all you and the Design Team do. I am sure I am not alone. Thank you. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Zoechaos said...

Brenda I am sorry you and the team are being subjected to this. However many times social media bullying, trolling etc is highlighted it still happens. I've known this challenge since it started and having run challenges myself I know and appreciate how much work and dedication it is. DT members volunteer to keep these challenges running, many lifetime friendships have been born of the fellowship. For anyone who feels disgruntled, for what ever reason. to take to SM spreading unfounded rumors is just plain wrong. I'd take the view that if they cannot say what they have to say directly to you then it is not worth saying. xoxo to all the team especially the new members who are probably what the blazes is going on. x

ionabunny said...

Running a challenge is hard work. Being on a DT is hard work. Sponsors are precious and generous companies. It's all being done by normal people who love crafting and give up their time for free or maybe for small product incentives. I think many people don't realise this. I have enjoyed playing at the Allsorts challenge blog for many many years. If people don't like how it's run they can just go play somewhere else. Thanks you Brenda, the team and the wonderful sponsors. HUGZ

Vicky Hayes said...

Good grief! What a horrible thing to have to deal with Brenda. I'd like to add my voice to the others: I really enjoy playing along with the challenges here and have met with nothing but encouragement. I am so grateful to you and your hardworking DT that provide such wonderful inspiration and make the challenges possible. The possibility of winning prizes from those generous sponsors is the icing on the cake but I would be as keen to join in if there weren't any! Sending hugs, Vicky x

Lucy E. said...

I was so sorry to hear that people have complained about how this challenge blog is run. I am not a frequent player, mostly due to time constraints, but I have looked at the challenges and admired the design team’s artwork. The people who are complaining must not run a challenge blog and have no idea the amount of time and energy it takes to come up with the challenge ideas, coordinate everything with the design team, write the posts, comment on the blogs, request prizes from sponsors, pick the winners package and mail the prizes, and the other things that I missed. Maybe they shouldn’t participate if they think that there’s some kind of unfair practice. I hope that it subsides, with no further provocation.

Gail said...

You and the team do an amazing job . You shouldn't have to write a post like - people can be such arses.

Craftyhairlady said...

So very sorry to hear this! Crappy attitudes ruin things for so many! I for one am very pleased with the way you run this challenge. I know from being guest designers, it is a quick, fast pace, not always easy job. You and your team are doing an awesome job and I enjoy your challenges. Blessings to you all!


Kath said...

I'm sorry to read your post (and on the Chocolate Baroque challenge too). I belong to two closed Facebook groups (one for craft and one for campervans). Similar messages have been posted on those groups with members being removed from the group for abusive and bullying comments. What is wrong with people?!

Take care and please keep up the good work. In the past I've been on DT and know how much work DT members put into running challenges.

Kath x

Janis said...

So disappointed to hear that this has been going on! Brenda, you and your DT do an excellent job of running this challenge. I haven't been able to participate much this last year, but Allsorts remains one of my very favorite challenges with interesting themes, fabulous prizes, and an encouraging and inspiring DT. We don't say it as often as we should, but THANK YOU for all you do!! Don't be disheartened by the disgruntled few. The vast majority of us appreciate you more than we can say.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

KarinsArtScrap said...

and also for here Brenda and DT ladies.

you all do a great job.
always stunning and fantastic prizes.
always give a comment
these people are jealous

Gr Karin

Granmargaret said...

I am so sorry to read this. You and the design team do a good job. Keep up the good work. Best wishes.

Helen said...

So sorry to hear about these upsetting comments Brenda. I love joining in your great challenges and seeing what your wonderfully creative design team comes up with. It is unfortunate that a few have been so unkind. I'm sure I speak for the majority when I say we value everything you and all the challenge members do to promote crafting and the opportunity to share our work. Please stay strong and I look forward to seeing your future challenges and playing along!!! Well done. Sending big crafty hugs. xx

Susan Sudbury said...

Wow! I'm so sorry, and so disappointed that this is happening...and that a post like this is even necessary! Love this challenge, and all that you do ❤
Take care!

Bunny said...

I know I already expressed my concern on 2 of your other challenges but wanted you to know y'all are doing a great job. I think you can feel the love spreading from the comments. [Bunny]

Diane said...

So sorry to read/hear this, not sure why anybody would feel so disgruntled to behave like this unless they are 'poor losers', it has become a nasty crazy world lately that is for sure, keep up the good work and your spirits, we appreciate all you do for this challenge!

NanaConnie said...

Amen, Brenda, and I'm so glad to see someone standing up to the relative anonymity of Social Media bullies! I've played in the Allsorts challenges for several years now, happily and with great pleasure. Don't let the nay-sayers bring you down. :-D

Tracey T said...

Good grief! I'm really shocked and saddened to read about this, Brenda. Crafters are usually so kind and supportive of each other and I know how much time and effort goes into being on a Design Team, let alone running a challenge like this. Dreadful that you have to contend with this nonsense, but hopefully you know that the vast majority are standing right alongside you! xx

Barbara said...

Wow... I've so far been mainly a "silent observer" on this blog because I hardly ever find a moment to play these days but that's really saddening and disappointing. How low can you descend to attack a place so full of warmth, fun and love of a shared hobby? Kudos to you for posting this and standing up against those bullies!

Lisa Lynn said...

So sorry to hear this. I have been a DT member on other groups and it is a lot of work. I know that you don't get "perks" for all that you put into the prep work, comments and having to always have mojo. Thanks for all that you do and it's too bad that the negativity of a few make you have to write such notes. Hugs since the majority understand.

KT Fit Kitty said...

I feel so sad that you and your team have to endure this negativity. I have not seen the comments in question but I have not been around blogland for weeks. There seems to be so many negative people around lately, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet to spread their hateful words. Please know there are many of us who love your challenges and the beautiful inspiration that you and your team provide. Please don't get discouraged!

JanR said...

I'm sorry to read that you've been having issues with negative Nellies! I have been entering your challenges for...oh...probably about 10 years now. I want to thank you for all the work you've done and to let you know I've always enjoyed the challenges. Know that there's so many of us out there that love and appreciate what you're doing!

Mia said...

I am not on social media, so I did not know anything about it. I am really sorry to read your post. Please do not be disappointed by the bad people. Brenda, my friend, you and your team are wonderful. I always enjoy joining the challenges. I send you a big hug.

Marlena M. said...

I'm so sorry it's gotten complicated. You all work so hard. ;( I am one that appreciates the work that it takes; so thank you!

Sylvia kaarten en zo. said...

Helemaal gelijk Brenda! Dat er mensen zijn die het plezier in jullie werk en tijd willen verpesten ,heb ik geen woorden voor. Jullie doen het TOP! Groeten van Sylvia.

Tina Z. said...

oh, I am really sorry to read your post. I don't know what is going on because I hope that we are great crafty community where everybody is nice and friendly.
I think you and your team are wonderful. I always enjoy your challenges and all the comments. I can only image how much hard work is behind all this.
thank you so much and big hugs to all xx

Makira said...

Brenda, I am sorry to hear about the social media issues you are facing. "Haters have to hate" comes to mind. I have enjoyed your challenges and know that there is a lot more work that goes into these sites than what is often times understood. Hugs to you and your team!

My Paper Epiphany said...

So sorry to hear about this bullying and feel for you all! I have always found your challenges inspiring and you and your team to be so encouraging. Keep up the good work! Hug x Jenny

Billie A said...

I am so sorry that you had to even write this. This world has changed so much and no respect anymore. Well said response to the haters and thank you for having the challenges and the DT inspiration. Thank you for all the behind scene issues you deal with that we don't even see. Keep doing what you're doing and I will always play along..

Mandy said...

I have absolutely no idea what has been said but I am really sad to hear this has been going on. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment from all the teams to keep challenges running and it is horrible that some people have seen fit to have a go on social media.

As you can see from so many lovely comments they are clearly a minority of people. Social Media can be a fantastic place for bringing people together but the 'be kind' motto tends not to work on the keyboard warriors who spoil it for others.

Sending big hugs to you all

Mandy xxx

Elizabeth Hart said...

I have unfortunately seen more negative things slowing moving into what has been our "safe' place in the world - Crafting. One negative/hateful instance was so appalling that I filed a complaint with Facebook and within an hour it was removed. Similar issue on Etsy (definitely not supposed to be a political forum). Etsy contacted me within 2hours and had investigated the issue and the seller was removed. So, there is some recourse we can take to help remediate these uncalled instances of hate and bullying.

Craftyfield said...

Spiteful and totally unwarranted criticisms of these challenge blogs run for our pleasure in the DT's own time. There is no logic as to why they should be so ungrateful and disgraceful!

cebelica said...

I'm sorry you had to write such post. :( I know there are all sorts of people online, but til now I thoughtcrafty blogs and craft community were a nice and friendly place. It's a shame even here people can't feel "safe" anymore. I hope things got/will get resolved. Big hugs to all of you. xx

Marjeta said...

I am sad to hear that. I appreciate all the effort you and amazing DT put in this Challenge. I do love to participate. Shame on all those who do not respect the work of others and find something bad in every thing.

Thanks again for this gorgeous Challenge.

Pat said...

So sorry to her about this Brenda and as can be seen by all the comments these people are definitely in the minority, and although I do not enter every time I can see that there is a lot of hardwork and effort from everybody to make this the great challenge it is and you and the rest of the DT give us lots of wonderful inspiration every week which is no mean feat, and of course there are some great prizes on offer also which is a bonus and thank you to the super sponsors for that too. x