Saturday, 6 April 2024

Week 775 🐎🐶

Good morning, Lolo here welcoming you to a new challenge. April is National Pet MonthNational Pet Month (NPM) celebrates and raises awareness of responsible pet ownership. 

So as an animal lover my theme is....

🐈‍⬛🐶For the love of Animals🦮🐇

It would be great to see entries with the animals we have as pets, but there is always the anything goes option if you prefer.

Amendment to our rules: To protect the challenge of any copyright infringement, all entries must detail as a minimum, the products used and preferably also a short description of how it was made. Any entries failing to do so will be marked as ineligible and/or deleted. Please check our rules page here.

On to some good news, we have a new Design Team member with us, please join us in welcoming Gail to the team, she's been one of our regular entrants and it's lovely to have her with us.

Prizes for weeks 773/4/5 from Highlight Crafts and Stamp Addicts (2 prizes not in photo, stamps and a £15 store voucher)

Lots of pets on display from the Design Team, you can visit their individual blogs by clicking on their names....



KarinsArtScrap said...

sweet and beautiful cards karin

Cynthia said...

Thank you for the fun challenge and lovely DT inspiration!

Craftyfield said...

Lovely work from everyone!