Saturday, 9 December 2023

Week 758 🦋 💐🎈

A very good morning to you all, Brenda here with this weeks theme and I have chosen one we've not had for a while....

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'B"

The choices are endless and and I really look forward to seeing what 'B's" you come up with. If you really can't think of any then there's always the Anything Goes option.

Super prizes for the next fortnight from Aldridge CraftsStampendous and AALL and Create, winners will be announced on 22nd December.

The Design Team have come up with lots of different 'B's" to inspire you....

B for Butterfly, Brown and 'B'
B for Boots, Bird and Bloom
B for Books
B for Bird on a Branch, Blue, Black
B for Badger, Bloom and Birthday
B for Balloons, Bakers Twine and Birthday
B for Bee
B for Balloon and Basket 
B for Blooms
B for Bird
B for Baubles and Bows


KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful and cute cards DT ladies

gr karin

Sandra H said...

Beautiful cards x

Sarn said...

Great theme. Will be round to visit the DT’s individual blogs shortly xxx

Craftyfield said...

Gorgeous cards from everyone!