Saturday 16 September 2017

Week 433 - Feels like Autumn

Good morning and welcome to a new challenge here at Allsorts! Ellie here with you today! 

A big thank you to all that joined us in last week's challenge - don't forget to check  if you were one of the winners or in the to 5.

The theme I have chosen for this week is:

 "Feels like Autumn" 

I am seeing many Christmas cards in blogland already, but lets not forget this beautiful season that colors the world in glorious colors. So for this week I would like for you to share something Autumnal with us, it can be the colors of the season, seasonal crops or flowers, an autumn activity, a misty morning, an autumn farm scene, or maybe even a rainy autumn day...lots of  possibilities here!

The lovely Brenda arranged two wonderful prizes for this week's challenge...these two dies by Tonic.

Good luck to all!! We can't wait to see what you come up with! 

To get your creative juices flowing, check out the beautiful creations by the Design Team. You can visit each one by clicking their names. They would love to hear from you :)

Please note: If we do not comment on your entry it will be because it does not follow the theme, qualify under our rules which are all listed at the top of this blog, or because we are asked to sign in or provide additional data to comment on third party hosts such as Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Splitcoast. We do not want to be rude but we do want to be fair to those who do follow the rules.


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Autumnal colors are wonderful, love the theme and these inspirations! :D

cuilliesocks said...

Wonderful cards full of inspiration, Kate x

Fikreta said...

so pretty cards!

Lucy Patrick said...

Lovely DT creations, great challenge theme! XOX Lucy

Craftyfield said...

Inspiring cards, yep seems Autumn is rolling in...

Granmargaret said...

Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the Design team.

Saskia Pullen said...

Hope you like my card. Saskia Pullen

Janis said...

Fabulous cards by the designers! Hard to choose a favorite, but the little bird on Ellie's card stole my heart. I adore her beautiful coloring and wonderful textures. Love it!!
Thank you for another fun challenge!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Sandra H said...

Beautiful Dt cards x

CG said...

Thank you for the fun challenge & DT inspiration!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great challenge. Happy crafting, Angela xXx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

stunning autumnal cards and what a fab prize . jane x

Marjeta said...

Love the DT inspiration.


Karen P said...

My favourite challenge, autumn colours and themes! Thanks for the wonderful challenge and beautiful DT inspirations Karen x

ELE said...

Wonderful DT card.
Absolutely inspiration of them.