Saturday 29 July 2017

Week 426 - Photo Inspiration

Good morning, Brenda here with our new challenge and this week I have some photo inspiration for you.

No secrets that I adore Poppies which feature on the photo below, but of course you don't have to use actual Poppies on your creations, you may choose to use just the colours or even a blazing sun in the background. We are looking forward to seeing your interpretations on the theme.

Our lovely sponsor this week is Swedish House Crafts who will be offering a £20 store voucher to one  lucky winner. If you are not familiar with them you really should pop over to the store and take a peek and the different and unusual products for sale..................and a heads up that on 3rd August they will be having their very first show on Hochanda so one to watch out for.

"My name is Suha and I have created Swedish House Crafts in the second part of 2016. It is a little Swedish online shop with lots of enthusiasm for crafting in a different style, dare to be different. Visit SHC and learn more. I have been professionally crafting since 2008, I gave colouring classes (with Promarkers) in Sweden, had exhibition in 2014, and used to make cards and mixed media mainly. I have a master degree in digital and visual design. Yes, 100% of graphics in the shop are my artwork including the logotype. Because I am not leaving my education, I am using it in my passion for paper crafting in the first place. Great combination as the future is full of plans and surprises, hold on and follow SHC on Facebook and blog, you'll find SHC everywhere."

Please note: If we do not comment on your entry it will be because it does not follow the theme, qualify under our rules, or because we are asked to sign in or provide additional data to comment on third party hosts such as Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Slipcoast. We do not want to be rude but we do want to be fair to those who do follow the rules.

We welcome Tamara, one of the DT for this weeks sponsor Swedish House Crafts, she has taken the colours from the photo inspiration and made this lovely card for us.....................

My team mates have been as busy as ever, just look at the super inspiration on offer from them, thank you girls, you are all stars.

Now it's over to you and we look forward to seeing all your lovely creations.

Before linking your entry are you sure it meets our theme and challenge rules ? 


Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

This is a fabulous challenge and the inspiration from the DT is absolutely superb. I'll definitely be back to join you all later in the week as I just love Poppies. Happy Crafting, Sandra x

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful and gorgeous work DT
gr karin

Priyanka Mathur said...

Lovely challenge and beautiful inspirations from DT!

Fikreta said...

this is wonderful photo inspiration!
team made wonderful cards!

Karen P said...

Beautiful photographic inspiration and a lovely theme for a challenge, thank you for both and for your beautiful inspirations x

Mrs A. said...

I loved the inspirations for this challenge. Hugs Mrs A.

KandA said...

Wonderful photo inspiration and super creations from the DT. I actually managed to get a card made this week.... and with 2 days to spare! xx

Jenny L said...

what wonderful DT creations they are all so very super and gorgeous.
Thank you for another fab challenge and wonderful inspiration too.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Dora said...

Beautiful creations from the team.

Unknown said...

I was very fortunate to be able to visit your page.

coco said...

You are very impressive blog.

Unknown said...

Sweet and Crisp ! :)

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