Saturday 28 November 2015

Week 339 - Colours of Autumn

Hi All

Another Saturday is with us, apparently there are only 3 more Saturdays after this one to Christmas i don't know where this year has gone.

Anyway down to business, please check if you are a winner or in our top five from Wendys die cut challenge last week.

This week it is me (Tracy) hosting the challenge and i am setting you the theme "colours of autumn" to be in the running for a prize we will be looking for cards with autumnal colour's clearly used, our DT have made some lovely example for you on this theme below.

Our sponsors this week are:
Sizzix, there's no bigger or better place for craft materials, custom dies and machines that can die-cut, emboss and texturize many materials, including cardstock, paper, construction paper, fabric, faux fur, felt and foil plus much more.

with this lovely die set

Jiggery Makery My name is Adele, I graduated in 2013 with a degree in Interior Design and I am currently a carer for my Grandma but in my spare time I love designing digital stamps. They are mostly inspired by 1940/50s Pin-ups and can be quite sassy. My favorite Pin Up artist is Gil Elvgren, whose work is just stunning. I have been both a crafter and an artist alternately all my life but finally feel I have been able to achieve a great balance as a digital stamp designer. Jiggery Makery is my brand, my creative expression and a way to share what I love.

Please Note: It remains the winners responsibility to contact the DT named in the winners post or the contact listed on our sidebar to claim their prize. This must be done my midnight GMT on the Thursday following the Friday winners announcement.

Thanks to my awesome DT chums for their makes this week, please share some blog love with them as they do fab work week on week year round to inspire us all.



I will be back on Friday with our winner and top five


Dora said...

Great inspiration cards. Beautiful to see!

Karen P said...

Beautiful inspirations, so lovely to see so much rich colour, autumn shades are my favourite! Thanks for another fun challenge and for sharing your art with us Karen x

Dr Sonia S V said...

what a fabulous Challenge ...a respite from making christmas cards!
Dr Sonia