Saturday 18 October 2014

Week 281 - Embossing

Morning all and welcome to a new challenge at Allsorts. I'm Helene and it's my turn to guide you through this week's challenge. I've set the theme to Embossing and I'm so looking forward to visit you and see all your contributions!

We have two sponsors this week so there will be two lucky winners, one of you will win a £15 store gift voucher from:

and one of you will win a $20 store gift voucher from:

 Flonz $20 store gift voucher Also 12% discount offered on purchases to those entering the challenge

Flonz stamps are also offering a 12 % discount on purchases to those entering the challenge. We are so happy for our generous sponsors and they have gorgeous things to choose from!

The design team didn't disappoint this week either, these talented ladies seldom do :), hugs to you all!

Heat embossed image and dry embossed background. Image is FlonzCraft Girl with Dog

Heat embossed stars from Magnolia and Christmas sentiment from Flonz stamps.



Tracy Mouse
Heat embossed image and sentiment, dry embossed background, Flonz Christmas sentiment stamp


Sandra H said...

Simply gorgeous creations x

Sandra H said...

Simply gorgeous creations x

nancyparker55 said...

Beautiful DT work! Thanks for a fun challenge!

ike said...

Fabulous DT creations - I particularly like Jo's white one :-)
Thank you for this Challenge.


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Andrea W said...

Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and embossing challenge.

Karen said...

Delightful DT creations! Such a wonderful variety. Thank you for the inspiration and fun challenge! :o)

Hugs and blessings,

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful cards DT.

gr karin

Debbie said...

Beautiful makes from you all.Another super challenge.Hugs x

Karen P said...

Thanks for a fabulous challenge and the fantastic DT inspirations Karen x

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

CraftyGirl said...

Had so much fun entering your challenge and seeing all the lovely projects! See you next time!!! Thanks! :-)

