Saturday 26 April 2014

Week 256 - Oriental

Good Morning, Susan here with my first post for the Allsorts Challenge. Firstly a big thank you to everyone that joined Mervi's Birds & Feathers challenge last week - such a wonderful selection of entries - so onto this weeks challenge and l have chosen....


l am sure you will all have something in your stash to fit this and l was amazed at the gorgeous pieces my Teamies have created below.

We have two generous sponsors this week:

A $20 Voucher for one lucky winner from Flonz Craft and 12% Discount offered on purchases to those entering this challenge. FlonzCraft are a small family-owned design and craft company from New Zealand, a very small country where all people are great neighbours. We work hard for our work and store philosophy to reflect that in our company. We will never be ashamed of our products. Our main goal is making and selling rubber and clear stamps and we have and unique collection of stamps that you can not find anything else.

Flonz $20 store gift voucher Also 12% discount offered on purchases to those entering the challenge

Also a $20 Voucher for another lucky winner from QKR Stampede who feature the artwork of Ken Herrod. Ken has a unique, somewhat quirky, style sure to make you laugh. Designs are available as natural red rubber stamps or as digi-stamps

$20 store voucher


Flonz's  "text"  happiness/ joy



I am looking forward to seeing your gorgeous creations x Susan x


anne said...

Gorgeous DT creations, thank you for another great challenge x

KT Fit Kitty said...

Gorgeous creations by your DT! Hoping to be back to play along!

Karen P said...

Thank you for the gorgeous inspirations and a fabulous challenge ladies! Karen x

Wendy said...

Your design team samples are beautiful. Thank you for the "oriental" challenge this week. It was fun to play!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

wonderful work by the DT team and great inspiration all around thanks so much, Shaz in Oz.x