Saturday 9 January 2010

Allsorts challenge week 34 a sketchy challenge lol!!

Hi welcome back to Allsorts we hope you have been able to enjoy the snowy weather

(or at least that it has given you more crafty time...)

This week I (Emma ) have another sketch for you the theme is totally your choice and please feel free to add embelishments and text wherever you like :)

This week we are proud to announce that Digistamp Boutique will be a regular sponsor here at Allsorts and the lovely Sally-Ann will be sponsoring the first challenge week of each new month starting in Feb...

As a little twist this week to celebrate our regular sponsor with Digistampboutique if you use a digistampboutique image you can enter your card twice on mr linky thats a double chance of winning free images from Sally-Ann

Here's your sketch

And this week Sally-Ann has made a fabulous card using one of her new valentine images which are on special offer, as are all her images at the moment but the valentines ones are the offer of the month at the moment.....even bigger savings :) you can find them here






Dont forget to keep an eye out to see if you were the winner of Jules's challenge last week or if you were picked to be in her top 5


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Scrapbooking Challenges & Competitions search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Jan [LA 03:41am, NY 06:41am, UK 11:41am, OZ 10:41pm] ).

Sam said...

Awesome makes girls.
sam x

Julie said...

What a wonderful sketch!

CathyC said...

Great challenge!
Great digi stamps - we go back for more!

carol said...

Loved the sketch, fab DT cards ladies, x carol

agapanthus said...

Thanks for the chance of winning a Digi stamp this week! Karen x

Lynne K said...

Great sketch, & the DT cards are all beautiful. I've just posted my first ever entry for the Allsorts challenge & really enjoyed doing it. Looking forward to the next one.

Anonymous said...

Hi All! Love the sketch Em,will be using this one again, i think its fab!!!

gorgeous cards from the DT as always and a great sponsor this week, take care and good luck everyone
love emma xxx

Pop's Cards said...

Gorgeous creations from the DT loved the sketch hugs pops x

Lisa Jane said...

Another great challenge that i really enjoyed. The DT's cards are great

Kath Stewart said...

love the sketch and fab cards from the team...hugs kath xxxxx

Roxx.T Barnes said...

Love the sketch. It feels good to create a card again.Thanks for the challenge.

Katherine said...

I love the sketch. I enjoy doing my card. Hope you like it.

Susie Little said...

Hello ladies,

Here is my CARD as I can't find Mr Linky!!

Susie xx

Ruthie said...

Really really thought I had linked to this already! LOLx never mind, done it now!