Friday 11 September 2009

Winner and Top 5 Challenge 17

WOW WOW WOW - Sooooooooooooooo many fabulous entries again last week - we almost made 100 - thank you all so much.

So who was the lucky randomly generated winner of the prize................................................

True Random Number Generator Min:1 Max:98 Result: 47 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

That number belongs to you RUTH - A Passion for Cards


Please e-mail me (Debs) at so that I can send your prize.

Now, it was truly difficult to select the Top5 from so many gorgeous entries - but after much deliberation here goes (in no particular order):

  1. Linda - A Crafty Journey

  2. Suzie - By Suzie

  3. Lisa - Wish Craft Cards

  4. Emma - Emma Lockley

  5. Eiglas - Eiglas Blogspot

Thank you all so much for such wonderful, varied inspiration. Male cards should no longer be feared by us crafters!!!!!

Have a great day - don't forget to get your projects in for another fab challenge from Emma.



Ruth said...

Good morning, I got a shock to realize I'd won last week's prize!! Thanks so much! I have emailed you my address, Ruth x

Wishcraft said...

Oh wow, thank you for making me top 5! I'm all smiley now :o) Lisa x

Suzie said...

Hi, congratulations Ruth and well done to all the other girls in the top 5 your cards are amazing, can't quite believe i am there with you. Suzie x

Anonymous said...

OMG thanks Debs, i cant beleive i made the top 5. Yeeepeeee!!!!!
oh wow thanks again : )
love emma x

Unknown said...

WOW - I am doing a happy dance - Thank you X I mean Thank you ... it was totally your inspiration that got me to make the card in the first place :0)

Eiglas said...

I've just had to re-check this three times! I'm so, so chuffed to get another top five from Allsorts! Wow! I actually am more chuffed with this than winning because it's chosen not randomly picked.
Thank you so much everyone involved.
I can only re-iterate what Linda just said - the inspiration comes from the happy vibes from this place!
Hugs x lots!